Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Attack Chickens

Meet Flo and Goldie. They are attack chickens. No really, they are! A door-to-door salesman told me so.

I was at home cleaning my house when I happened to look out the window and see a man standing in my driveway. His car was parked across the street, and he was glancing around nervously. Within moments he was knocking on my front door, and seemed relieved when I opened it.

“Lady, did you know you have attack chickens?” he blurted out. I tried to contain a giggle and said “No, I wasn’t aware of that.” He continued “I was looking up information on my iPad and your chickens chased me. I heard a weird noise and they were right behind me”.

My hubby can attest that having my chickie girls running at you IS kind of scary. He likens them to the bird-like dinosaurs racing across the landscape on Jurassic Park. I let them out to free range and explore our yard whenever I am home. They have gotten to know me and greatly enjoy when I show up with treats for them. This poor salesman had no way of knowing that I had just went out to give them stale bread an hour earlier, which they eagerly take directly from my hand, so they were extra-friendly and inquisitive! 

As I retold the tale to hubby later that evening, I was again extolling the virtues of keeping a backyard chicken flock. In exchange for delicious, healthy, organic, fresh eggs, they help to keep insect populations down. They are very entertaining, even winning over my reticent husband.  They are cheaper than therapy after a stressful day; there is something calming about doing my feeding chores, collecting eggs, and listening to their contented clucks as they settle in for the night on their roost.

And now, I can add “chasing off salesman” to their list of attributes!