Tuesday, September 15, 2009


I’ll be upfront and honest about this … today’s thoughts aren’t all my own. I heard a story last week, and it has been ruminating in my brain ever since.

Maybe it resonated with me in a special way because I like ducks. We used to keep ducks, and I have some funny and memorable stories of my own. But those are for another time.

This particular story goes accordingly: a lady was walking her dogs when she came across some ducks playing in a puddle, just having a grand old time. However, very near to this puddle was a beautiful pond, with lots more room for the ducks to enjoy. That is, IF they could see beyond their puddle to the pond.

After hearing this story, several of us were sharing thoughts about it. A friend told us of some ducks she knew of that would run to their little puddle-pond whenever danger threatened. Good plan, except that their puddle-pond was only 6 inches deep, and the coyotes in their area did get some of them because of that fact.

I’ve been thinking about my own life in my puddle. I’ve been swimming around in it for quite awhile and I’m pretty comfortable here. But is it deep enough to sustain me when danger comes? Also, like most puddles, it’s not very big, and dirties quickly with all the crap in my life.

I need to look for the bigger pond. Maybe it’s just around the corner. Or maybe it’s even within sight distance now, if I would stand on my tippy toes to look. I’m praying God will show me what bigger pond to set my sights upon. Maybe it will be the ocean. Maybe not. As long as I am continuing to follow Him, I’ll end up right in the pond He wants me to be in.

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